Gillian Burke: I'd rather go down on a burning planet where we're all together than have a planet that works for some but not for all
A chorus for life on Earth
Andy Cato: Farmers manuring town halls and NHS strike action are two symptoms of the same problem: Our food system isn’t working
Jenny Beavan: There are so many nature stories out there just waiting to be told. Maybe now is the time
Kumi Naidoo: How did we move people into the struggle against apartheid? Music, dance, and theatre
Maddie Moate: We are seeing fewer and fewer faces of actual human beings on children's television
Jess Fostekew: I knew I wanted to be a funny loud angry bitch screaming in favour of clean air
Oliver Jeffers: The most important people at COP26 were the taxi drivers
Benjamin Zephaniah: Most great revolutions start from the bottom and come up
Lily Cole: We need to switch the narrative from sacrifice to improvement
Cristina Zenato: We have somehow diminished sea creatures’ capabilities to think, feel and connect
Mya-Rose Craig: Conservation today continues to be entrenched in its colonial roots
Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim: Women and Indigenous peoples can help win the war on climate change
Captain Paul Watson: We’ve become a bunch of conceited naked apes, divine legends in our minds
Sunita Narain: It’s coyness that’s killing action on climate change
Dr Rupert Read: If you don’t care about non-human life you don’t care about human life
Caroline Lucas: GDP is a really rubbish measurement on just about every count
Sir Tim Smit: People could be paid to be champions of the natural world
Jojo Mehta: Putting mass damage to nature on a par with mass damage to people creates an equivalence
Ali Keskitalo: The world needs green power, but we have no more land to give
Rachel Kyte: Design solutions for the most vulnerable and poorest first
Denis Hayes: If you’re wrong on climate, get out of office and put in someone who will act
Hugo Tagholm: We can’t litter pick our way out of the problem
Juliet Davenport: Climate change is mentioned less than cats in TV dramas
John Elkington: We need more women leaders at every level in our society
Dr Tara Shine: Lots of people making small changes add up to a lot of impacts
Susie Crick: If we stop buying single-use plastics, they will disappear
Sir Patrick Holden: The true cost of cheap food? We have only 30 harvests left
Tim Christophersen: We need the imagination to see that a different world is possible
Gleb Raygorodetsky: Indigenous peoples have to deal with the consequence of someone else’s decisions
David Ritter: The dead hand of the coal industry is an assault on Australian democracy
Nasreen Al-Amin: We have to use Indigenous knowledge
Sir Jonathon Porritt: It all comes down to whether our politicians have got the long-term vision